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Über mich

Katarina Radojević
B Arch / M I Arch

Faculty of Architecture
University of Belgrade

Selected participant:
22nd Salon of Architecture Novi Sad

Selected participant:
8th International Exhibition - Strand


I was attracted to the world of design by the field of architecture. By exploring this field, my interests were awoken, hence expanding the way I learn, work and create, all the way to the world of graphic design. All aspects of design simultaneously cooperate and affect one another. Every experience we acquire in one aspect stimulates development in all the others. I firmly believe that a multidisciplinary and wide approach are of utmost importance, in order to differentiate and stand out on modern markets. I am versatile, thorough and creative and believe that good communication during design process is the foundation to high-quality solutions and successful and long-term cooperation. I approach every project with passion and dedication and am glad if that is what you recognized.


Anzeigenwerbung, Außenwerbung, Bannerwerbung, Broschüren, Buchgestaltung, Corporate Design, Illustrationen, Verpackungsdesign, Plakatwerbung, Printwerbung, Screendesign, Flyerdesign, Namensfindung

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